Tips for PHD thesis writing in 2023

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Key Tips for Writing a PhD Thesis in 2023

A boy thinking about PhD thesis writing

Start with a strong thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be a clear and concise statement of your main argument and allows for thesis writing help. It should be arguable, specific, and relevant to the topic of your paper.

Do your research. Once you have a thesis statement, you need to do your research to support your argument. This means reading scholarly articles, books, and other sources that are relevant to your topic.

Organize your thoughts. Once you have done your research, you need to organize your thoughts and ideas. This will help you write a clear and coherent paper.

Write a clear and concise introduction. Your introduction should introduce your topic, provide some background information, and state your thesis statement.

Support your thesis with evidence. In the body of your paper, you need to support your thesis with evidence from your research. This evidence should be in the form of quotes, statistics, and other data.

Structure of thesis

Structure of thesis

The structure of a thesis can vary depending on the discipline and specific requirements set by your institution or advisor. However, the following elements are commonly included in a thesis:

Title Page

This page includes the title of your thesis, your name, the date, and other relevant information, such as your institution’s name and logo.


The abstract provides a concise summary of your thesis, highlighting the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions. It is often limited to a specific word count and should give readers a clear overview of your work.



The introduction sets the stage for your thesis. It includes background information on the topic, states the research problem or question, and outlines the purpose and significance of your study. The introduction should also include your thesis statement.

Literature Review

The literature review provides a comprehensive survey and analysis of existing research and scholarly works relevant to your topic. It demonstrates your understanding of the current state of knowledge, identifies gaps or controversies, and justifies the need for your research


The methodology section explains the research design, methods, and procedures you used to collect and analyze data. It should be detailed enough for others to replicate your study


The results section presents the findings of your research. Use tables, figures, and text to describe and interpret your data. Ensure that your results are presented clearly and logically, following any formatting guidelines provided by your institution


The discussion section interprets and analyzes your results in the context of your research question and objectives. It relates your findings to the existing literature, addresses any limitations of your study, and offers insights and implications. Discuss any unexpected results and their potential significance.


The conclusion summarizes your main findings, restates your thesis statement, and reflects on the overall significance of your research. Highlight the contributions of your study, discuss its implications, and suggest directions for future research.


The references section lists all the sources you cited in your thesis. Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) specified by your field or institution.


Appendices are optional and include additional material that supports your thesis but is not essential to the main body. This can include raw data, survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, or complex calculations.

It is important to consult your institution’s guidelines and seek guidance from your advisor to ensure that your thesis adheres to the specific requirements and expectations of your program.

Importance of thesis statement in research

In summary, the thesis statement is of utmost importance in research as it provides focus, organization, coherence, and direction to your work. It helps both you and your readers understand the purpose and significance of your research, guiding the research process and ensuring a strong and well-supported argument.

Focus and Direction:

The thesis statement provides a clear and concise expression of the main argument or point of your research. It establishes the focus and direction of your study, guiding your research process and helping you stay on track.

Organization and Structure:

The thesis statement serves as a roadmap for your research paper. It outlines the main ideas and key points that will be developed and supported throughout your work. This helps ensure that your paper is well-organized and logically structured.

Coherence and Unity:

A strong thesis statement promotes coherence and unity in your research. It ensures that all the information and evidence presented in your paper are relevant and contribute to the central argument. This prevents your paper from becoming disjointed or scattered.

Reader’s Understanding:

The thesis statement helps readers understand the purpose and significance of your research. It provides them with a clear idea of what to expect from your paper and helps them grasp the main argument or point you are making.

Research Guidance:

The thesis statement serves as a guide for your research process. It helps you determine what information and evidence to seek, what sources to consult, and what data to collect. By having a well-defined thesis statement, you can focus your research efforts on gathering the necessary information to support your argument.

Critical Thinking and Analysis:

Crafting a thesis statement requires critical thinking and analysis. It involves evaluating the existing literature, identifying gaps or controversies, and formulating a unique perspective or claim. Developing a strong thesis statement encourages you to think deeply about your research topic and engage in rigorous analysis.

Persuasive Power:

A compelling thesis statement has persuasive power. It presents a clear and arguable claim that can be supported with evidence. A strong thesis statement can engage readers, spark their interest, and persuade them of the validity of your argument.

Research Evaluation:

The thesis statement provides a basis for evaluating the success of your research. It acts as a criterion against which you can measure the relevance and effectiveness of your findings and analysis. If your research aligns with your thesis statement, it indicates a well-executed study.

Here are some tips for writing a good thesis statement for your research paper

  • Start by brainstorming a list of possible thesis statements. What is the main point of your paper? What do you want your reader to take away from it?
  • Once you have a list of possible thesis statements, narrow them down to one that is clear, concise, and arguable. Your thesis statement should be specific enough to give your reader a good idea of what your paper will be about, but it should also be broad enough to allow you to write a paper of a reasonable length.
  • Make sure your thesis statement is arguable. This means that your statement should be something that can be debated or disputed. If your thesis statement is a statement of fact, then it is not arguable and will not make for a good paper.
  • Once you have a clear, concise, and arguable thesis statement, write it down and put it at the end of your introduction paragraph. This will help you stay focused on your main point as you write your paper.

Tips for topic selection in your thesis

  1. While you are searching for any specific topic, you can take help of Google first. List a range of topics through brainstorming in Google search.
  2. You can narrow down those topic lists through “Google Scholar”
  3. You can also take help from, “sci-hub” to know a ranges topic
A red background image- thesis topics

Plagiarism issue in thesis

Plagiarism in a thesis is when someone else’s ideas, words, or work is presented as one’s own without giving credit where credit is due. Academic dishonesty of this kind carries serious consequences, including loss of grade points, damage to one’s reputation, and even possible criminal prosecution.

UGC guidelines for PHD thesis paper publication 2023

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has made it optional for PhD scholars to publish research papers in peer-reviewed journals before submitting their thesis for final evaluation. The new guidelines were notified in 2022.

However, the UGC has said that it is desirable for PhD scholars to publish their research work in peer-reviewed journals and present it in conferences/seminars. This is because publication in peer-reviewed journals is a way to disseminate research findings to a wider audience and to get feedback from other experts in the field. It can also help PhD scholars to build their academic reputation and to gain employment after completing their PhD.

The UGC has also said that the institutions are free to evolve their own guidelines for publication of research papers by PhD scholars. However, the institutions must ensure that the guidelines are fair and transparent. Here are some of the key points of the UGC guidelines for PhD thesis paper publication in 2023: Publication of research papers is optional for PhD scholars. It is desirable for PhD scholars to publish their research work in peer-reviewed journals and present it in conferences/seminars.

What if I want to publish my research papers?

If you want to publish your research papers, you should start by identifying the journals that are most relevant to your field of study. You can do this by searching for journals in your field of study or by asking your supervisor for recommendations. Once you have identified some journals, you should read their submission guidelines carefully to make sure that your papers are formatted correctly and meet the journal’s requirements.

You should also be aware of the predatory journals that are often targeted at PhD scholars. Predatory journals are journals that publish papers without any peer review or quality control. They often charge high fees to publish papers, and they may not even be indexed in major databases. It is important to avoid predatory journals, as publishing your papers in them will not help you to build your academic reputation.

How many papers should I publish?

The number of papers that you need to publish will vary depending on your field of study and the requirements of your institution. However, it is generally advisable to publish at least one or two papers before submitting your thesis. This will demonstrate that you have been able to communicate your research findings to a wider audience and that you have received feedback from other experts in the field.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Writing a dissertation is the most difficult aspect of a PhD programme. Due to the significance of timely submission of a thesis of high quality, students are strongly encouraged to seek professional assistance. Excellence Innovations provides PHD thesis writing services of the highest quality and integrity. Our PhD thesis writers in Excellence Innovations assist students in developing a comprehensive and well-organized dissertation chapter structure. The academics then revise the chapters based on the feedback provided by the authors. Thus, the thesis reflects the ideas and reasoning of the researchers.

The thesis writing process might be very difficult. You can advance in your current institution or enter a new one with the professional degree in hand. As a result, all students take care to have a polished final draught of their theses, with many turning to professional writers for assistance.

The PhD thesis written by Excellence Innovations are among the highest quality available. Doctoral candidates can rely on the expertise of our writers to help them craft flawless chapter structures for their theses. With the help of our PHD thesis writing services by Excellence Innovations, scholars can enhance their chapters with the constant input of master thesis writers.

We at Excellence Innovations adhere to the following recommendations when writing PhD thesis:
A girl wearing graduation cap
  • Our PhD thesis writers are familiar with format requirements and will ensure that elements such as font size, margins, and spacing are accurate.
  • Our thesis is written in flawless academic English.
  • All of the data and facts in the thesis come from reputable sources alone.
  • No prior works have been plagiarised by our author.
  • Our prompt and accurate delivery is a direct consequence of our authors’ diligence.
  • We guarantee your complete satisfaction with our PhD services, which can help you advance academically.

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